Give Your Rescue Dog Some TLC with Our Professional Dog Training Services

We Offer A Unique Approach To Dog Training 

At Dogman Training, we offer a unique approach to dog training based on gentleness and positive reinforcement. Our process is the same for rescue dogs, and we’ve found them to be some of the most loving and loyal pets. We take the time to understand your rescue dog’s behaviors, what triggers them, and what motivates them. During the consultation, we’ll also address communication patterns to see where your dog’s anxiety may stem from. Compassion is at the core of our services, ensuring that your rescue dog feels understood through positive reinforcement; we never use shock collars or other harmful techniques.   

Read more about our services here and the advantages of having a rescue dog below! 

Advantages of Having a Rescue Dog 

According to the ASPCA, Americans adopt approximately 1.6 million rescue dogs each year, and we’re hoping to see the numbers increase! When you choose to adopt a rescue dog, you are saving a loving animal from euthanization, helping keep stray pet populations down, and deciding not to support breeding facilities such as puppy mills. We always tell our clients that the rescue dogs do not choose to be in their current situation, which means we should make every effort to understand their behavior, not condemn it. Despite the many stigmas rescue dogs face, making them seem challenging to love, they will love you more than you could imagine!  

If you’re looking to cultivate a deeper bond with your rescue dog, contact us today and read more about the advantages of having one here!  

Nancy Saad Attra